Fruitland School District 373

Mission Statement:

"Fruitland School District: Educating all students to their full potential."

Vision Statement:

"Fruitland School District, in partnership with parents, students, and community, envisions that every student will grow to be a healthy, well-educated, productive member of society."

Goal #1: Effective teaching, learning, and accountability are promoted, and are reflected in student achievement

Key Measures:

Idaho standardized tests (SAT), Idaho Standardized-AWNCSC, IRI/iStation, IRI-Alt, SAT, and PSAT, MAP test, percent of filled positions in the district, E.O.C's, as well as the Interim ISAT testing.


Develop, align, publish, communicate, and implement a focused K-12 curriculum.

Recruit and retain a highly-qualified, high-quality staff to achieve district goals.

Train all staff in strategies for improving student achievement based on a three-year professional development plan.

Measurable Targets:

Elementary: IRI Measurable Goal: The overall percentage of students' proficient will increase in each grade level from fall to spring. ISAT Measurable Goal: 4th grade — 80% of student's scale score on ISAT scores will increase by 20 points from 3 rd grade to 4th grade.

Middle School: ISAT: Overall proficient percentage will be higher than the established cohort of schools with similar demographics. The building MAP RIT score or E.O.C's will show an average growth of scale 5 points. Interim ISAT testing will be conducted to help facilitate student growth. Student growth will be measured to the hundredth percentile.

High School: SAT Mean scores as compared to the state of Idaho: FHS mean score will be a minimum of five points greater than the state mean section score in Evidence Based Reading & Writing, and Mathematics. All juniors will be expected to take the SAT test during the spring. —Graduation rate: 90%

Goal #2: A continuum of programs and settings at all grade levels is available to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Key Measures:

Advanced/Remedial learning opportunities. Percentage of students involved in activities.


Provide extended learning opportunities and remediation programs for students who are in need of extra support to meet standards.

Establish and maintain K-12 alternative programs/settings for "at-risk" students.

Provide level-specific opportunities/programs for advanced students at all grade levels.

Provide multiple opportunities for Career Technical Education.

Maintain a continuum of placement options for students with diverse needs.

Determine and monitor the percentage of students who participate in activities.

Align curriculum K-12

Create a curriculum evaluation cycle

Building Curriculum adoption committees

Measurable Targets:

Verification of the means by which all buildings in the district meet the following needs:

Varied Learning Opportunities:

--Elementary School: Leveled Reading Intervention groups based on ability, Math Enrichment Groups 1 st-4th, Challenge Math, Challenge Activities: Family Game Nights, Canned Food Drive, Fundraisers, Sumdog, Freckle, Gifted and Talented Program, Honor Choir.

—Middle School: Honors Classes (ELA), Advanced Math Opportunities, Broad Scope of Elective

Opportunities to meet the diverse needs of our students, Robotics, Coding, Jazz Band, STEM class,

IDLA advanced opportunities, Spanish, Law and Order, Art, Mythology

—High School: AP, Dual Credit, and Honors courses; online AP courses; online college courses; release to attend college courses. Career Related: Agriculture Science, Business Education, Broadcasting, STEM class, SAT prep, Musical Theater. Intervention

—Elementary School: Title I support for both reading and math, ESL time for reading, Resource Room groups, RTI Team meetings to address specific concerns of students, 504 Plans, Special Education.

—Middle School: Intervention classes built into schedule for Math and ELA, Title l, RTI, 504, Special Education, ESL, P.B.I.S, Four-year HS plan for all 8th grade students

--High School: Appropriate course level placement; After School/Friday Math Lab & Study Lab; support programs such as ESL and special education services; 504 plans, RTI, Developmental Writing Lab

School and Community Activities

—Middle School: Band, Jazz Band, Academic Bowl, Athletic opportunities, Student Council, Yearbook, School Pride Club, Payette County Recreation.

--High School: Athletics/activities, Band, BPA, FFA, NHS, Poetry Out Loud, Art, Yearbook, STEM Club,

Book Club, Musical Theater, Sources of Strength, E-sports, Spanish club

—Elementary: Payette County Recreation sports and activities

Goal #3: Financial strength is achieved to meet academic and physical needs of the district.

Key Measures:

District Financial Statements, communication with stakeholder groups


District staff members will continue to suggest methods of increasing revenue, reallocating funds, and decreasing expenses in order to achieve district goals.

District will continue to work with stakeholder groups on methods to increase revenue, reallocate funds, and decrease expenses in order to achieve district goals.

A financial committee will analyze the finances of the district and make suggestions to the school board.

Measurable Targets:

Maintain a reserve fund equal to at least two months of expenses.

Goal #4: A partnership exists involving businesses, parents, patrons, city and county governmental entities, community groups, and the district.

Ke Measures:

District annual financial audit Stakeholder satisfaction surveys


Further develop a system to engage patrons, business community, students, and faculty in district operations.

Foster School and Community involvement. Examples - Art Shows, Band Concerts, Christmas Trees for community members, Christmas Caroling, Veterans Day programs, Career Day, Parent Volunteers, Health Fair, Red Ribbon Week, Senior Triad Judging, AVANZA, Middle School Open House, Bingo for Books night, Parent Nights, College Day, Blood Drives, Grandparents Day, Rise and Read, Spring Fair, Fruitland Family Fun Days, Homecoming activities, Social Media Communication, weekly newsletter at the middle school, 5th grade Wax Museum, etc., Elementary Monthly Newsletter

Maintain existing groups and committees. Examples-Fruitland Leads, Building Leadership Teams,

School wide Planning Team, Advanced Opportunities committee, Facilities Planning committee, Career Technical Advisory committees, Band Boosters, PTO, Dollars for Scholars, Fruitland Endowment.

Express appreciation to stakeholders of our district. Examples: Fruitland Athletics Hall of Fame,

Elementary Volunteers of the Month, FEA Friend of Education, FFA tailgate party and breakfast.

Measurable Targets:

Documentation that committees have met at least once yearly.

Survey of patrons every three years. Target: Overall satisfaction for the majority of responders. Last survey March 2022.

Goal #5: Fruitland School District is guided by a continuous school improvement process.

Key Measures:

District Strategic Plan


Fruitland Leads (district leadership team) will annually review and revise (if needed) the District Strategic Plan.

Ensure policies and practices involving students and staff are consistent with district vision.

Regularly work toward district goals to achieve and maintain continuous improvement through monthly meetings of the Fruitland Leads Team.

Professional Learning Communities:

Participate in initiatives of school improvement such as Area and State Administrator meetings, Idaho Family Engagement Conference, Idaho Prevention Conference, Edufest, Idaho Middle Level conference, IETA, legal training seminars, other trainings and meetings.

Measurable Targets:

Yearly building evaluation of progress toward previous year's goals.

Goal #6: Improve Teacher Retention and Recruitment Key Measures

Improved school climate and culture


School District moved to a four-day calendar for more work/life balance.

School District hired a Mentor Teacher to assist with new and seasoned employees.

Culture committee in each building.

School Climate and Culture Committee formed.

Analysis of data:

Quarterly targeted surveys to measure the effectiveness of school strategies aimed at improving culture and climate.

GOAL #7: Facilities Improvement and Maintenance Key Measures

Ten year facilities and maintenance plan implemented.

Continued Plant Facilities Levy


Complete a facilities and maintenance needs assessment.

Communicate with stakeholders on future facility's needs.

Implement maintenance schedule plans on buildings and equipment.

Form a Plant Facility Committee.

Develop a 5-year technology plan.

GOAL #8: Districtwide School Safety Implementation

Kev Measures

District Comprehensive Safety Plan


ALICE Training

Facility Safety Procedures

Safety Professional Development

Vector Training

Measurable Targets

MOU's with Fruitland and Payette County Public Safety 100% Vector Training Compliance with all Staff & Faculty

Analysis of Demographic Data:

Analysis of demographic data from the school district.

Information on race as reported by parents on registration forms. Data from March ISEE upload.






Total Number of Students






942 (53%)

932 (53%)

859 (53%)

844 (52%)


851 (47%)

828 (47%)

772 (47%)

785 (48%)


1281 (71%)

1202 (68%)

1051 (64%)

1067 (66%)

Black/African American



6 (.37%)






14 (.86%)

Native American



7 (.43%)




483 (27%)

492 (30%)

471 (29%)

Two or more races



52 (3.2%)

58 (3.5%)

Free/Reduced Lunch Program

753 (42%)

751 (43%)

660 (40.45%)


Received Special Education (IEP Students)

206 (11%)

221 (12.5%)

206 (12.6%)

215 (13.2%)



Board of Trustees Approval:

The Fruitland School District Board of Trustees approved the Strategic Plan on September 13, 1999.

Revised: March 2002

Revised April 2004

Revised May 2008

Revised April 2012

Revised June 2014

Revised September 2015

Revised January 2016

Adopted February 2016

Goals Review for 2015-2016: Leadership Team, Fruitland Leads—November 2016

Revised November 2016

Adopted December 2016

Revised September 2017 Revised February 2018

Approved September 2018 Revised October 2018

Approved September 2019

Revised September 2020

Approved October 2020

Revised sep 1, 2021

Approved September 2021

Revised sep 6, 2022

Approved September 2022